Arquitectos MF | Fuerteventura
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is your


Before designing your home, we help you to find your plot with reliables real estate agents. We take care that the solar orientation is correct, the urban parameters are met and the plot has the proper characteristics to design the best possible house.



Fuerteventura is an unique natural environment, declared RESERVATION OF THE BIOSPHERE and RESERVATION STARLIGHT by UNESCO, with natural and geographical characteristics that have remained intact over time.

With the highest solar radiation rates in Spain, it has a very special offer of active leisure in nature: kitesurfing, surfing, windsurfing, diving, cycling, trekking and 150 km of wonderful beaches and tranquility.

¿What services

do we offer you?

If you already have your plot, we advise you without commitment by solving the technical queries of your project and carrying out a previous study with all the costs of your home, (construction, urban taxes and technical fees), so you can make decisions.


From the beginning of the project we provide you a team of architects who will be in charge of knowing all your needs to incorporate them in the design of your house.


We work with you until you get the home you want, made to measure and integrated into the environment you have chosen, respecting the principles of sustainable  and bioclimatic architecture.


We help you selecting the best construction company to build your house, studying the budgets, based on economic parameters, quality and reliability.


We carry out the administrative procedures with the Technical Office of the Town Councils until obtaining the Authorizations to start the works so you do not have to worry about it.



Respeto y convivencia
con el medioambiente



Confort, belleza y mínimo impacto ambiental



Vive en la casa de tus sueños



Fusión con el entorno

Sabina 3


En perfecta armonía con la naturaleza

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Serenidad, armonía y belleza

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Luminosidad y confort



Your home will be designed to achieve maximum comfort with minimum energy expenditure. For this purpose, we design your home with bioclimatic criteria, what does this mean? Firstly, your house will have a very well insulated envelope (walls and ceiling), designed to minimize energy losses and gains. Which means that the temperature fluctuation inside your home will be very smooth, conveying a feeling of thermal comfort to the occupants.

And secondly, it means that we carefully take care of the orientation of your home to protect it and take advantage of solar radiation, natural light or drafts. For this, we use specialized software that calculates the path of the Sun and the effect of solar radiation on your house at any time. With this information we design the glazed hollows to the South, avoiding the radiation on the glass during the summer months and allowing it in the cold months.

We use natural building materials as far as possible, requiring little energy and producing low CO2 emissions. For this, we demand from our suppliers information about the life cycle of their products through certificates and recognized stamps.

The materials we use are on the market and are widely used. We always choose the best technical solutions to obtain a very well insulated envelope without causing a significant increase in the price of construction.

¿Let us

work together?

Tell us what your idea is, we will advise you without compromise on the surface you can build, what steps you must follow, the deadlines for preparing the project, deadlines for obtaining work license and the time needed for the construction.

We will send you a preliminary report with the costs of your investment: construction, urban taxes and technical fees. A conversation with us will allow you to know the technical and economic feasibility of your project so you can make decisions.

Más información

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